Coffee, coffee, coffee

Coffee, there may come a day when this most awesome of all beverages may not have the expected effect. After 3 days of sleep restriction, caffeine did not improve participants alertness.

Sleep apnea: CPAP machine

The main treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea is a CPAP machine. Getting a mask to fit properly is essential for effective CPAP treatment.

Happy Father’s Day

To all you sleep deprived Fathers out there, we appreciate all your time and hope you have a great day.

When do I need a Polysomnography?

What is Polysomnography (PSG)? It is the recording of several parameters while you sleep that gives a full assessment of how you sleep. It is an important test to determine sleep disorders. A Polysomnography (PSG) looks at your sleep staging via electroencephalography (EEG), body movements via electromyography (EMG), eye movement via electrooculography (EOG), heart rate…