The amount of sleep you need

The amount of sleep we need depends on our age. Regularly sleeping less than 7 hours per night is associated with adverse health outcomes

Video: Infants and sleep deprivation

Infants and sleep deprivation If you have a new baby you may be experiencing sleepless nights. Your nights will be interrupted and getting a few hours in a row may seem impossible. It’s only temporary, and hopefully your child will sleep more uninterrupted hours by 3 months.  

Women and Sleep

Women need to keep a regular sleep schedule in order to sleep enough to maintain their physical and mental health. The sleep deprivation does not have to be something we accept and wear like a badge of honour.

Tired Pregnant Women

Are you a tired pregnant woman? You’re not alone. Many women experience excessive fatigue during their third trimester of pregnancy that may lead to depressive symptoms.

Sleep deprivation as a new parent

For a majority of new parents this sleep deprivation is temporary, a few months at the most. Many will note that their sleep habits have done a 180 since before they had children

Infant sleep and children sleep

It’s important to ensure proper infant sleep and to find out if problems sleeping may be due to a sleep disorder. Infants sleep a lot. Infant sleep can last about 16-17 hours per day. Why are mom and dad so tired? Infants wake often to feed, about 8-12 times/day. Baby will often fall asleep after…