Sleeplessness | Happiness

The lack of sleep can have an antidepressant quality in a proportion of patients with major depression. There is some evidence, that for certain individuals reducing their sleep can increase their positive emotional experience.

Nightmare disorder

Nightmare disorder is associated with REM sleep, it is defined as recurrent episodes of awakening from sleep with full recall and alertness of the content of nightmares.

Exploding head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome is used to describe the sensation some patients experience of loud noises when falling asleep or waking up. This sensation is intense and can lead to fear, anxiety and stress for the individuals that experience it. It’s not called exploding head syndrome for nothing.

Aromatherapy and CPAP

Aromatherapy: A way to improve the CPAP experience Using scents can help calm first time CPAP users and help with desensitizing them to treatment. Aromatherapy is a pleasant add on for a successful CPAP user. The treatment for sleep apnea is a CPAP machine. The therapy pressures prevent your airways from collapsing. The constant use…