Could a DNA Test Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep?

Genetic discoveries are being made at a tremendous pace, and I’m excited that genes related to many sleep disorders are among those finds. All this new genetic research may one day play a role in helping doctors understand who is at risk and perhaps help tailor a remedy for them. Some genes are already being tested for through common consumer DNA test kits.

Sleeplessness | Happiness

The lack of sleep can have an antidepressant quality in a proportion of patients with major depression. There is some evidence, that for certain individuals reducing their sleep can increase their positive emotional experience.

Funny Sleep Posts 2018

2018! Another sleep filled year has come and gone. As I reminisce about all the great patients we have had at Clinique Somnomed, I think about the coming year and hope for more of the same.  We are grateful to have played a part in your road to better health and/or research endeavours. We hope you…

Sleeptember 2017

We all want a good night’s sleep. Some of us, despite following the best tips for better sleep, may find ourselves lacking a restorative sleep.

Sleep Study : Breaking down the EEG portion of the PSG

The PSG entails recording an EEG (electroencephalogram), EOG (electrooculogram), EMG (electromyogram), ECG (electrocardiogram), respiratory flow and effort, oximetry, pulse, and body position. This article explains what a sleep technologist looks at in your EEG portion of the PSG.

Sleep study: Sleep disorders and sleep apnea

The PSG helps to diagnose other sleep disorders and sleep apnea. The cardiorespiratory polygraphy is used primarily to diagnose sleep apnea. If you think you may have a sleep disorder, or are experiencing any difficulty with getting to sleep, staying asleep, staying awake during the day, or have any other sleep related questions, contacts us.

Exploding head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome is used to describe the sensation some patients experience of loud noises when falling asleep or waking up. This sensation is intense and can lead to fear, anxiety and stress for the individuals that experience it. It’s not called exploding head syndrome for nothing.

Video: CPAP therapy and Sleep apnea

This video explains what sleep apnea is and possible treatment options, like CPAP therapy, for those with mild sleep apnea. Simply put, sleep apnea is where a patient stops breathing during the night due to upper airway collapse. CPAP therapy applies a positive airway pressure to ensure that the airway remains open and breathing is…

Positional obstructive sleep apnea

Sleep apnea treatment without cpap: Positional obstructive sleep apnea Patients that have already undergone a sleep study and that have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, may be given a diagnosis of positional obstructive sleep apnea. This type of sleep apnea usually indicates that the patient only experiences apnea or moderate to severe sleep apnea while…