Could a DNA Test Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep?

Genetic discoveries are being made at a tremendous pace, and I’m excited that genes related to many sleep disorders are among those finds. All this new genetic research may one day play a role in helping doctors understand who is at risk and perhaps help tailor a remedy for them. Some genes are already being tested for through common consumer DNA test kits.

Infographic: Insomnia in the Workplace

Accidents and unintentional injuries are among the leading causes of death in the United States. Being awake and alert is one key factor to avoid such unfortunate incidents.

Infographic: Sleep Statistics

Sleep apnea is a disorder where you stop breathing during the night. The upper airway collapses and prevents air from entering the airways.

Sleeptember 2017

We all want a good night’s sleep. Some of us, despite following the best tips for better sleep, may find ourselves lacking a restorative sleep.

Trouble Sleeping and a Busy Life

Life is full of activities that can lead to trouble sleeping. Having a sleep disorder like sleep apnea can cause insomnia. It can be hard to find the time to get the proper exercise, nutrition and rest our body needs, while still maintaining both family and professional responsibilities.

Sleep divorce: To cosleep or not

Getting a sleep divorce may be needed in order to finally get some well deserved rest. Whether due to a sleep disorder or the inability to get used to sleeping with someone else, sleeping apart works for some couples.

One Sleep or two sleeps. Monophasic vs. Polyphasic sleep

People would often break their sleep into two sleep sessions. They would wake during the twilight hours and would get up to read and socialize. There is also the concept of the siesta where people would sleep in the afternoon and wake in the evening.

Nightmare disorder

Nightmare disorder is associated with REM sleep, it is defined as recurrent episodes of awakening from sleep with full recall and alertness of the content of nightmares.