Night Terrors

Night terrors occur primarily in children. They differ from nightmares on a few points, they occur in non REM sleep (NREM), the individual shoots up from sleep and may scream with their eyes open but they cannot be awoken nor comforted.

Nightmare disorder

Nightmare disorder is associated with REM sleep, it is defined as recurrent episodes of awakening from sleep with full recall and alertness of the content of nightmares.

Sleeping beauty syndrome

Ever fallen asleep for a whole day? Sleeping for more than 24hrs in a row is not something we all experience. If we experience bouts of extreme fatigue or illness we may feel the need to sleep all day. Those with Kleine-Levin syndrome experience episodes of excessive sleep that can last up to 20 hours per day.

Tips on how to sleep better

These are just a few tips that can help those people that don’t have a sleep disorder. Try improving your nights.

Exploding head syndrome

Exploding head syndrome is used to describe the sensation some patients experience of loud noises when falling asleep or waking up. This sensation is intense and can lead to fear, anxiety and stress for the individuals that experience it. It’s not called exploding head syndrome for nothing.