Sleep divorce: To cosleep or not

Getting a sleep divorce may be needed in order to finally get some well deserved rest. Whether due to a sleep disorder or the inability to get used to sleeping with someone else, sleeping apart works for some couples.

Nightmare disorder

Nightmare disorder is associated with REM sleep, it is defined as recurrent episodes of awakening from sleep with full recall and alertness of the content of nightmares.

Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is being awake without the ability to move or speak, this occurs because when a patient wakes out of REM sleep, the muscles are still atonic (without muscle tone).

When do I need a Polysomnography?

What is Polysomnography (PSG)? It is the recording of several parameters while you sleep that gives a full assessment of how you sleep. It is an important test to determine sleep disorders. A Polysomnography (PSG) looks at your sleep staging via electroencephalography (EEG), body movements via electromyography (EMG), eye movement via electrooculography (EOG), heart rate…