Could a DNA Test Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep?

Genetic discoveries are being made at a tremendous pace, and I’m excited that genes related to many sleep disorders are among those finds. All this new genetic research may one day play a role in helping doctors understand who is at risk and perhaps help tailor a remedy for them. Some genes are already being tested for through common consumer DNA test kits.

Infographic: Insomnia in the Workplace

Accidents and unintentional injuries are among the leading causes of death in the United States. Being awake and alert is one key factor to avoid such unfortunate incidents.

Sleep apnea: Intermittent hypoxemia

Sleep apnea is a block in your respiration during the night that leads to a decrease of oxygen in your blood and is often associated with a brain arousal.

The amount of sleep you need

The amount of sleep we need depends on our age. Regularly sleeping less than 7 hours per night is associated with adverse health outcomes

Sleeping beauty syndrome

Ever fallen asleep for a whole day? Sleeping for more than 24hrs in a row is not something we all experience. If we experience bouts of extreme fatigue or illness we may feel the need to sleep all day. Those with Kleine-Levin syndrome experience episodes of excessive sleep that can last up to 20 hours per day.

Women and Sleep

Women need to keep a regular sleep schedule in order to sleep enough to maintain their physical and mental health. The sleep deprivation does not have to be something we accept and wear like a badge of honour.

Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is being awake without the ability to move or speak, this occurs because when a patient wakes out of REM sleep, the muscles are still atonic (without muscle tone).

Can you be tired from sleeping too much?

If you feel the need to sleep more than 7-8 hours per night, this may be an indication that your have a sleep disorder. Some signs and symptoms of sleep apnea are: Daytime fatigue Daytime sleepiness Moodiness Insomnia  Hypersomnia Depression Speak to your physician to assess whether you are at high risk for having a…