Everything old is new for Ontario’s sex education

While children across the country enjoy the last days of summer, school board officials and teachers in Ontario are already preparing for changes coming this fall.

The new provincial government, led by Premier Doug Ford, is reverting Ontario’s Health and Physical Education Curriculum (which includes sexual education) to a version first introduced to school-aged children in 1998. Ontario students will no longer have easy access to information about masturbation, same-sex marriage or gender identity issues, all of which were identified by parent groups as being the most controversial topics from the Ontario curriculum from 2015 until now.  

The amount of sleep you need

The amount of sleep we need depends on our age. Regularly sleeping less than 7 hours per night is associated with adverse health outcomes

Night Terrors

Night terrors occur primarily in children. They differ from nightmares on a few points, they occur in non REM sleep (NREM), the individual shoots up from sleep and may scream with their eyes open but they cannot be awoken nor comforted.

Video: Infants and sleep deprivation

Infants and sleep deprivation If you have a new baby you may be experiencing sleepless nights. Your nights will be interrupted and getting a few hours in a row may seem impossible. It’s only temporary, and hopefully your child will sleep more uninterrupted hours by 3 months.  

Sleep deprivation as a new parent

For a majority of new parents this sleep deprivation is temporary, a few months at the most. Many will note that their sleep habits have done a 180 since before they had children

Infant sleep and children sleep

It’s important to ensure proper infant sleep and to find out if problems sleeping may be due to a sleep disorder. Infants sleep a lot. Infant sleep can last about 16-17 hours per day. Why are mom and dad so tired? Infants wake often to feed, about 8-12 times/day. Baby will often fall asleep after…