Video: Infants and sleep deprivation

Infants and sleep deprivation If you have a new baby you may be experiencing sleepless nights. Your nights will be interrupted and getting a few hours in a row may seem impossible. It’s only temporary, and hopefully your child will sleep more uninterrupted hours by 3 months.  

Video: Caffeine effects on Sleep deprivation

There is a limited amount of time for caffeine to improve your sleepiness. When you thought coffee would help but you’re still annoyed by everyone — Leo Abdala (@FactsOfSchool) August 16, 2016 A lot of us drink coffee because we want that caffeine boost that sharpens our wit just enough to get through our…

Video: CPAP therapy and Sleep apnea

This video explains what sleep apnea is and possible treatment options, like CPAP therapy, for those with mild sleep apnea. Simply put, sleep apnea is where a patient stops breathing during the night due to upper airway collapse. CPAP therapy applies a positive airway pressure to ensure that the airway remains open and breathing is…