Sleeplessness | Happiness

Lack of sleep, the original upper

Sleeplessness is something I’d occasionally experience before the fast paced world of sleep found me (ha!). Some of you may have experienced the occasional all-nighter. Why can it occasionally lead to uncontrollable giggling that have people questioning your sobriety?


In my personal experience, when I am sleep deprived, my experience of the world is heightened. Before I inevitably pass out snoring, I can easily laugh due to the silliest of reasons and not be able to stop until the giggles cease on their own.

Photo credit: quinn.anya on / CC BY-SA

Sleep and depression

The lack of sleep can have an antidepressant quality in a proportion of patients with major depression. There is some evidence, that for certain individuals reducing their sleep can increase their positive emotional experience. Mostly we see people suffering from from a negative mood due to sleep deprivation. There is something to be said about the length of the sleep deprivation.


Sleeplessness reduces the control mechanisms in the brain for emotions located in the prefrontal cortex. In healthy adults, this could explain the silliness, there is less control over emotion. 

The occasional sleepless night happens to everyone. The effect on our mood can be profound. If you are currently tired, but smiling, know that you are not alone.  Join us in trying to laugh our sleepiness away.

If you think you may have a sleep disorder, or are experiencing any difficulty with getting to sleep, staying asleep, staying awake during the day, or have any other sleep related questions, feel free to contact Clinique Somnomed by clicking the link below.We provide quick and convenient sleep testing in your home, in and around the greater Montreal area. We test patients every year for sleep disorders both common and rare.

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